
2021年12月8日—CardiacsyndromeX(alsoknownasmicrovascularangina),aconditioncharacterizedbyangina-likechestdiscomfort,ST-segmentdepression ...,2018年11月18日—MetabolicSyndromeisagroupof5riskfactorsthatincreasethelikelihoodofdevelopingheartdisease,diabetesandstroke:1.Highblood ...,由DKornberg著作—Down(orDown's)syndrome(trisomy21)isthemostcommonchromosomalanomalyinchildren.Thissyndromeistypicallyma...

Cardiac Syndrome X

2021年12月8日 — Cardiac syndrome X (also known as microvascular angina), a condition characterized by angina-like chest discomfort, ST-segment depression ...

Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X)

2018年11月18日 — Metabolic Syndrome is a group of 5 risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and stroke: 1. High blood ...

Trisomy 21Down Syndrome

由 D Kornberg 著作 — Down (or Down's) syndrome (trisomy 21) is the most common chromosomal anomaly in children. This syndrome is typically marked by a characteristic facial ...


香港罕見疾病聯盟(下稱「罕盟」)成立於2014年12月,是全港首個由跨類別罕見疾病病人和親屬組成,並得到有關專家學者支持的病人組織。我們代表患者和照顧者,致力透過與持 ...

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Alport Syndrome

2024年8月5日 — Disease. Alport syndrome is a genetic disorder. It is identified by kidney disease, hearing loss and eye abnormalities.

Syndrome X

Syndrome X may refer to: Groups of symptoms, so called as placeholder name, when newly discovered: Cardiac syndrome X · Metabolic syndrome ...


1988年Reaven提出Syndrome X 的概念,並認為與胰島素抵抗有密切相關。 定義. 編輯. 代謝症候群的定義曾經多次改動,目前仍在使用的定義也有好幾種,其差異可能來自對於 ...